6:00- 7:30
We believe that the Bible is God’s communication to us. God wants us to read it, understand it, and apply it to our lives. He wants us to grow in a relationship with Him, …
Worship in the Covenant Community Sun. School Class
Mary Mackey
Ready to grow in your knowledge of God’s word? This is a great opportunity to come together to study and discuss. Join us as we look at this series– Worship in the Covenant Community: Genesis, …
Ray Vander Laan illustrates how God guided his people to a specific place – the Promised Land – to impact the world both in ancient times and today. Just like the time and place of …
Joni Naumann and Matt Biosyan are leading this small group for those who are dealing with the loss of a loved one. Mondays from 10-11:30 at the church. See Joni or Matt for more info.
Young Adults Small Group - Led by Kohlie and Chris Browning. Meeting 1st three Tuesday nights of each month at 6:30 in the home of Ben Stock. We will be doing a study on Matthew