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Wisdom From Jesus for 2020


Jesus’ Wisdom in Your Predicaments

          A.  The Predicament     John 6:1-5


          B.  The Wisdom      John 6:10-15


    1.   In your predicament, be honest yet open.


    1.   Realize your predicament is God’s opportunity.


    1.   Look for the bigger story.


Jesus’ Wisdom about Power

          A.  The Power John 2:1-16


          B. The Wisdom John 2:23-3:4


    1. Power attracts and distracts.


    1. Superficiality is our normal comfort zone.


    1. Only deep, internal change connects me to true power.

                                                                             “put your name into 2:24”


Jesus’ Wisdom in His Welcome

          A.  The Welcome


          B.  The Wisdom


    1. Jesus welcomes me.


    1. Jesus believes in the best of me.


    1. Jesus challenges me to examine my wants 1:38


Big Idea: Gaining wisdom from Jesus requires accepting his deep changes in my heart.


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