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Seeing The Big Picture

Suffering And The Problem Of Evil

Biblical hope: A future guarantee that hinges on God’s promise and faithfulness in Jesus Christ.

A trilemma: God is loving, God is powerful, there is evil.

Some Hard Truths

1. Suffering comes from sin.     James 1:15

2. We were made to glorify Him      Isaiah 43

3. His ways are not my ways.      Isaiah 55:8-9

4. We fail to see what’s really important.      Philippians 1:21-24

5. I am not a qualified judge of good or fair.      Job 38

6. Our suffering is short lived.     James 4:14

What Good Comes From Suffering?

Turning from sin. II Corinthians 7:8-13

Rely on Jesus II Corinthians 1:8-9

Sanctification I Peter 1:6-7

Looking to the reward I Peter 4:12-19

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