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Exodus 17-18

A BIG-PICTURE VIEW              Exodus 17              -  When people  attack .... go to  God . SIX TRAITS
  1. Great leaders are  teachable .
                          Exodus 18:24
  1. Great leaders  equip  and  empower  others.
                          Exodus 17:9              Exodus 18:19-26
  1. Great leaders don’t ignore their  family_.
                        Exodus 18:5-6
  1. Great leaders know how to set boundaries .
                        Exodus 18:22
  1. Great leaders know that  burn out  is not  honorable.
                        Exodus 18:17-18
  1. Great leaders know that  character  is far more important than giftedness .
                        Exodus 18:21 WATER FROM THE ROCK -  If you are  following  God, then He is leading .                         Exodus 17:6  
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